Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kids Helping In The Kitchen

Monday was a busy day of making the goodie tray for Christmas. There were many things that we wanted to do this year and here is what we made. Peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate and sprinkles added. Peanut butter cookies with kisses or resse cups. Sugar cookies with icing and sprinkles. Jene` and Colin love to help in the kitchen and the truth be known Jene` did almost everything this year. Here they are making up cookies.

Colin was having a good time and loved being able to make stuff with the chocolate even a chocolate covered fist. By the time he was finished helping do the cookies and the chocolate covered pretzels and white chocolate pretzels he was a mess.

Jene` is crushing the candy cane to go on the thin mints and peanut butter patties.

Now the only thing Dale would help with this year was unwrapping the candy. Hmmm...and I do think a few pieces came up missing. We barely had enough rollo's to cover the square pretzels.

Our Goodie Tray!

In the end we had to cut a few things we wanted to make out of it there just wasn't enough room. Which was a good thing we were running out of time to make more stuff. But the tray was a huge success and everything tasted so good.
I'll post recipes soon.

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