Monday, March 24, 2008

Catching Up!

Wow there is so much to catch up on. I've been slack on my blog! To start things off I've completed 8 projects, I think that makes 13 for the year so far. OH I need to get busy! Three crocheted hats to go along with the scarves I had already made. A potholder and a dishcloth. A bench that I redid and now I have another one to do. And the final two things for the color of the month a green afghan, nothing fancy I started it before I could read a pattern and a green drawstring bag.

A work in progress. I started this last week in crochet class. I can't wait until tomorrow to see how much everyone else has done.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mawmaw and Colin

Nick came over and wrote... Jene` will you go 2 the prom with me around her car windows. Was there any doubt?

Our Little Angels... Jene`, Dale , and Colin. And Our Little GrandAngels... Brendon & Kaylee.

Jene` with her little cousins after she finished performing in Highschool Musical. I've never seen so many little kids go crazy over a play before. They loved it!

Dale and Colin coloring Easter eggs. You are never too old to color Easter eggs!
Now I'm caught up to the present and have two home sick with the stomach virus. Colin had it last Thursday and Dale started with it last night and Jene` came home early from school with it today. I hope they get over it as quickly as Colin did!
I couldn't help myself the other day and stopped at the library and picked up another book by Rett MacPherson... Thicker Than Water. So far so good I'll update you on it when I finish.
Don't forget to add your Strawberry Recipes to your blog and leave a comment on the post below. I would love to see a lot of them posted so I can try them out soon!
I better get BUSY!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Wow Vick, You're one crocheting Mama! I like the yellow and blue project is it an Afghan? How sweet of Nick that's "romantical" as Paula Deen would say! Yikes, the stomache flu I hope you have bought stock in Lysol spray... Just ask my girls they'll tell you I followed them around the house with a can whenever they had something flu wise. If I'm sick the whole workforce is shut down (if you know what I'm sayin'! We still have a lot of snow here, tonight I decided to help Chuck with barn chores the night sky was beautiful; full of stars . We decided to do something we call pooboarding. We do our poo in sleds because we are a small farm and cannot afford a tractor. Anyways, we ride our sleds (standing of course) down the slope and into the hay field, when they stop we off load the poo and walk back. It's a riot! I hit a pile of poo and almost bought the farm as the sled came to a quick hault and poo flew. I know I cannot seem to grow up, it really is fun! Well, I have to go to bed been busy painting my new cabinets in the laundry room. Will post pictures if I get the chance tomorrow, along with a new strawberry recipe. Ta Ta for now Cuz~ Mel