Hey All,
How is it possible that March has come and gone. How can it be April already? Time seems to be speeding by even the kids have noticed it. The school year is almost over but it feels as if it just started. It's time to start getting ready for prom but it feels as if we just did this. The hours seem to be passing by in a blink of a moment. I go about my daily routine and will look at the clock and it seems like only a short time has passed when I glance again it's hours later and think where did the time go. Hopefully April will go just a bit slower!
Last night I made Filled Puff Pastries and oh oh oh they were sooooooooooo good. Sinfully Good!
I found this recipe over on Full Bellies, Happy Kids and she has a picture of them topped with some powdered sugar and chocolate. They look delish!! And she found this recipe over on Bunny's Warm Oven. They both have lot of mouth watering recipes that I want to make in the near future.
This was the last week when the little ones were here. Pumpkin had been only getting into the playpen when Kaylee wasn't in there and I guess he had decided enough was enough because I found him in there with her. As far as I know he spent the whole night with her taking claim to the pillow because he was right there the next morning.
He's such a perfect little angel...........When He's Sleeping! Hopefully when they come next time no one will be sick and the weather will be good so we can go to the park.
I know what Nietchie is thinking... I didn't think they were ever going to leave.
And Pumpkin is thinking... Oh yes I get the toys and playpen to my self now.
It's time to get this day going because two hours have already gone by since I started this posting. How you ask? Well, hubby popped in to pick up his phone he had forgotten. My sister called and wanted me to look something up for her online. I started a load of laundry while interrupted from blogging and that darn cat demanded to go out. I walked the dogs and talked to my mom. And the minutes just passed by.
Take Care :)
Ooooh- those pastries do sound sinful, Vickie! (but dee-lish!)
I don't think April is going to slow down, unfortunately...*sigh*..
with the days getting longer, more things need to be done and that makes the days fly by!
Those pastries look so yummie. Loved seeing the pictures... I totally agree, time flies by so fast.
The pastries look so yummy! I agree about March where did it go-went by in a flash.
HI Vick,
Just wanted to let you know I had a few moments to sneak in and peak at your blog.
Those pasteries are a must try (once we finish off our Almond Biscotti) they look so goooood!
More snow here in the North woods today and ohhh so frigid, I think we are getting your wind.
When things defrost I'll have to set my new rose bushes in the ground.
Talk to you soon.
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