Monday, June 22, 2009

First Day of Scout Camp

Hey All,

Colin had a blast at camp today. He got in the car telling of everything he did all day long... shot a bb gun, played badmiton and dodge ball. Learned how to make a pretzel knot, set up a tent, ran through sprinklers, and had water gun fights. Found a rock that he just had to bring home for his rock collection. AND came home so completely little boy dirty!!! When he got out of the car and was walking toward the house I noticed the bottom of his t-shirt was nasty from where he had been sitting on the ground and when he got into the house he took off his shoes. Oh my gosh his socks were beyond nasty and I told him to take them off and when he did I started laughing. Where his socks came around his ankle from there to the tips of his toes were completely white and from his ankle up was completely brown. Jene` said look how well he tanned in one day. NO that's not a tan! He doens't tan he burns! I filled the tub and with a little bit of soap and water that tan was gone. lol He can't wait for tomorrow other than the little boy they put as his buddy said he didn't like it and he wasn't coming back tomorrow. I told Colin to wait and see he might be back. I was really shocked that there was only one other cub out of his den that went to camp. But he had a good time and made lots of friends today.

I managed to get a lot done today while he was gone and have my list of to do things ready for tomorrow. I'll be working in his room tomorrow the perfect time is when he's not here.

Take Care :)


Scrappy quilter said...

I'm so glad he had fun. I'm betting the other little guy will be back tomorrow. Usually an sleep makes all the difference.

Paula said...

*chuckle* I've had those tan lines like Colin, too! Too bad they go away after a good scrubbing! LOL
Sure sounds like he had a busy day!

The Southern Mom said...

He's just a "real boy"! And...dirt is so much better than sitting in front of the TV or computer all day!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I've moved my blog...I'm just testing to see if anyone can find it! LOL

Anonymous said...

Okay...ignore that last comment...I'm no longer on wordpress (hated it!) I promise, no more moves! (I guess you can click on this comment to find me!)

Anonymous said...

Hey...just a quick note. I meant to call you back, but David is home and has been sick for a week. I took him to the Dr., but even today, he still has a fever...back to the Dr. tomorrow! know how babies...Oh, I meant 'men' are when they're sick! Believe me, I'm so ready for him to get well!